Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sue and Duki's grand adventure

A little out of order, but I just got back from exploring the church beside the hotel. Duki and I decided to take a walk over to see the church and the park it was in.
It is a very magnificent looking building from the outside. Inside, it was being set up for an art exhibit and was closed at the time, however we were able to pay 20 Dh to walk up to the top of one of the towers. At one point up the staircase we were able to go out onto a balcony that had a gorgeous view of the inside of the church

The real adventure though was when we went a bit higher: walking along the rooftop afforded interesting views - just don't look down!

And we kept going, all the way to the top where we could see the entire city stretched out before us - as Duki said: Helps you understand why it is called Casa 'blanca'

Panorama view from the top - in the distance you can see the mosque as well as the port.

Down below us, a group of boys were playing soccer in front of the church
Stairwell back down.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Starting anew

Moving my blog from tumblr ( as it seems a bit hard for folks to communicate on that platform.

A brief overview: as a lucky volunteer with the IBM Corporate service Corps, I am on my way to Casablanca Morocco for a month. Along with 14 other IBM'rs I will be working on an assignment with a local organization. In my case I will be working with Grant and Duki developing a roadmap for a pharmaceutical distribution and information management system. It is a tremendous honour to be part of this group sometimes I wonder what qualifies me to be included.  Now that I am actually on my way, I can't believe how excited I am! Almost time to head to the gate!